Hi everyone,
I am currently sitting at a hair salon in Shanghai with my new hair stylist (Daniel). I showed him a picture of the color I want and told him I want layers, so we shall see how it goes :) This weekend has been busy - we are preparing for midterms at school, so lots of test-making and grading. Friday night I went out for my fiends birthday for dinner and a glass of wine at this fun pub in the French Concession called Boxing Cat. Yesterday I went bike riding with my new best friend here (Jeanne). Jeanne, Martina and I are like triplets now - we bike and run everyday together and go explorin on the weekends. Yesterday (Saturday) I had to tutor for a few hours and then Jeanne and I got dinner at our favorite vegetarian restaurant (Sproutworks) and had a zen night (lit candles, listened to music, wrote post cards, etc). I am now at the hair salon and going to head to Ikea afterwards to get a new rug for my room (the other one I had attracted evey spec of dust and I had to throw it out) then off to an American football game at the ShanghI stadium. One of my friends here is the quarterback of the American football league here called the Shanghai Warriors so I am going with some friends to cheer him on! Below you will also see some pics from my classroom (during morning sing along) and also from the Charity Fair we had this week. Miss you all! But I don't miss America :) Xoxox
P.S. that dish of brown stuff is my favorite Chinese food ( it translates as "tree ears") It's a kind of fungus and it is delicious! I am still vegan and it has been a fun challenge being vegan in China! I have found so many foods I love and feel so healthy and strong :)